Gusev Aleksandr

Illustrator & Designer

I’m Gusev Aleksandr, digital artist from Batumi, Georgia. In this blog I talk about digital design, share useful links, tips and tricks. Let’s create and make together!

Horror Editable Text Effect

May 15, 2023

Bloody and scary text effect in Adobe Photoshop. Just type the text and the effect will be applied! In this tutorial, we will learn how to work with smart objects. Color, stroke and other effects will be created using the Layer Style. We will also record an Action to create a 3D effect....

Retro Editable Text Effect

May 9, 2023

Vintage retro text effect with texture in Adobe Illustrator. Just type the text and the effect will be applied. In this tutorial, you will learn how to work with “Appearance Panel”. Try to use effects: “Gaussian Blur”, “Inner Glow” and add texture with...

Gold Editable Text Effect

May 8, 2023

A simple and expensive gold effect in Adobe Illustrator. Just type the text and the effect will be applied. In this tutorial, you will learn how to work with “Appearance Panel”. Try to use effects: “Gaussian Blur”, “Inner Glow” and “Chrome”....

How To Use Patterns

May 1, 2023

1. The archive contains 7 folders: AI, EPS, SVG, JPG, PNG, PSD, PAT. 2. Let’s open one of the files with the .AI extension in Adobe Illustrator. 3. Here is a seamless vector pattern. 4. The effect has been added to the “Swatches” panel. 5. To apply a pattern in the Swatches panel,...

How To Use Raster Text Effect

April 30, 2023

1. Every ZIP archive contains PSD file and “Help” folder. 2. The “help” folder contains a text file with information about the font and a PDF file with instructions. 3. Open the file with the .PSD extension. 4. This is our raster text effect. You may have purchased other effect. The...

How to Use Vector Text Effect

April 30, 2023

1. Every ZIP archive contains these files: AI, EPS, a separate file containing styles for the “Graphic Styles” panel and “Help” folder. 2. The “help” folder contains a text file with information about the font and a PDF file with instructions. 3. Open the file with the .AI extension 4....

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